Why big donors are holding back on Democrat Party

In discussing why big donors are holding back on their contributions to the Democrat Party, Alexandra Acker-Lyons, a Silicon Valley political consultant, recently said, “No one is giving until they see a plan for how we are going to better navigate this unprecedented situation and stop acting like this is a normal administration.”

The key words here are “stop acting like this is a normal administration,” because it once again confirms that Democrats have no understanding of why Donald Trump is more popular than ever.  They wholeheartedly believe that the Trump phenomenon is an accident of history and that the first step toward regaining power is for Democrats to stop taking Trump seriously.

This is the best news Republicans have had since Hillary anointed Trump followers “deplorables,” because the reality is that a majority of Americans actually want the new administration to operate abnormally.  After all, “normal” is nothing more than a euphemism for “more of the same,” and 77 million people voted against more of the same in November.

That’s pretty amazing, considering the fact that when the Biden puppeteers took control of the White House in 2021, the mantra was, “The adults are back in charge.”  It was a euphoric time for Democrats, because fascist Donald Trump and his uneducated, gullible voters had been vanquished.  Finally, the country could get back to Washington-style normalcy.

The results of a return to normalcy were remarkable.  They included, among other things, record-high inflation, bloody wars in the Middle East and Europe, open borders, government-sponsored censorship, men in women’s sports, a dramatic increase in violent crime, and a deadly virus known as DEI infecting every aspect of American life — from schools to sports to major corporations.

Worst of all, Democrats wanted us to believe that it was normal to have the most powerful office in the world occupied by a dufus who was suffering from advanced dementia, and that it was normal to kick him to the curb when it became obvious to everyone that he was a walking corpse.  They also wanted us to believe it was normal to hand the baton to a low-IQ hyena rather than allow Democrat voters to decide the party’s presidential nominee.

Clearly, the last thing in the world Democrats were prepared for was an abnormal president.  Since the bureaucracy had always been in control of things, they assumed that no matter who was in power, everything would remain normal.  After all, even when big, bad No. 45 came to town in 2017, he surrounded himself with RINOs like Jeff Sessions (followed by the insufferable Bill Barr!), Mike Pompeo, Elaine Chao, John Kelly, Mick Mulvaney, and Rex Tillerson.

Even so, the deep state was intent on completely destroying Trump as a warning to others not to step out of line.  From the Russia-collusion hoax to the lie-based COVID mandates to the deep state’s social-media censorship, they wanted to make it clear that all was still normal in D.C.  The icing on the normalcy cake was the massive election rigging that took place in 2020, which led to the absurd claim that Dementia Joe garnered more than 81 million votes, or about 11 million more votes than Barack Obama received in 2008.  It was a brazen example of government criminality.

That would have been the end of the abnormalcy threat had Trump not had the audacity to run again in 2024.  It was a bridge too far for the deep staters, and they responded by rolling up their sleeves and bringing out the big guns:  bankruptcy, criminal indictments, and, finally, two assassination attempts.  The fact that Trump is not only still standing, but is more popular than ever, is a genuine threat to the mental-health crisis Democrats are now experiencing.

For them, normal is shoveling never-ending planeloads of money to Ukraine without regard to the fact that the United States is on the verge of bankruptcy or the reality that hundreds of thousands of lives have already been lost in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  Normal is also having American taxpayers fund radical-left policies all over the world.  Normal is protecting and supporting illegal immigrants over the safety of American citizens.  Normal is men prancing around in the nude in women’s locker rooms.  It’s not complicated:  Whatever is crazy to a normal person is normal to a crazy person.

Thus, it’s understandable why giving the world’s richest man the power to drastically cut waste, fraud, and abuse from government is considered abnormal by Democrats.  It’s understandable why they view it as abnormal to admonish the president of Ukraine for not showing enough appreciation for America’s financial support.  It’s understandable why they believe it’s abnormal to impose reciprocal tariffs on countries who have enjoyed one-sided tariff arrangements with the United States for decades.

It’s often been said that there’s no point in pandering to Democrats, no point in negotiating with them, no point in making concessions to them, because they’re just too far gone.  I concur, but I would add that the reason for this is that nothing short of old-style D.C. normal will satisfy them.  That’s a big problem for Democrats, because a majority of people just voted for someone who promised to be abnormal, and they appear to be very happy about it thus far.

One note of caution:  Americans will only support abnormal if they see and feel positive results in a reasonable period of time, so the Trump administration cannot afford to waste a minute acknowledging Democrat nonsense.  Loyal voters are looking for results.

Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time. Original here. Reproduced with permission.

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